DJ Burger takes on McDonald’s McChicken burger – Circular Quay

If you like the taste of mayonnaise, you probably like McDonald’s McChicken burger.

It’s hot bun and mayonnaise mean the burger stays moist. But sadly, these are the only flavours you’ll taste. That’s right, the McChicken tastes like hot mayonnaise. It’s not surprising that the giant chicken nugget on this burger has zero taste. But it’s alright, it’s Maccas.

There’s something about the place that screws with your brain. On my way down to Maccas a colleague of mine (lets call him Grimace) made a comment about how quick we were walking. Seriously, Grimace looked like he was in training for that stupid Olympic sport where you always have to have one foot on the ground. But Grimace never had a foot on the ground.

When you think about it, everything about Mcdonald’s is terrible. The line, the atmosphere, the quality, the cleaners, the seagulls, the crowd. But for some reason it all fits together into some sort of crack-addict’s utopia. It’s just amazing. I think it comes down to that classical conditioning Maccas did to me as a child. That frigging toy that came with every happy meal, it has attached me to these seedy burgers for life. I would probably steal these burgers if I was born into a life of crime, like Darth Burger.

Taste: 7

Since I don’t know any better, I have to give the McChicken a 7 for taste. Not, amazing, but not all that bad.

Value: 7.5

At around $4 for the burger, this is probably the cheapest chicken burger you can buy in Sydney. Only problem, you’ll probably buy two, in a meal, and end up buying dessert, or a cheeky cheese burger on the way out. For this reason, I’m giving the McChicken 7.5 for value. (Since you’ll still spend less than $15 in a visit).

Total: 52.5

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